The Homemade Vegan Pantry the Art of Making Your Own Staples H

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Oct 10, 2020 rated it liked it
And so frustrating, this looks similar it has some really practiced recipes but there is a big lack of photos, you pass four, v, up to x recipes sometimes before a photo appears, and they're not always of the finished product! We all know what tomatoes and olives and staff of life rolls expect like, sometimes the illustration was of muesli or lycopersicon esculentum soup, once more even those from other planets are familiar with these foodstuffs. Try as I might my physic powers didn't tell me what 'fresh yuba' or 'see food cioppini' looked So frustrating, this looks similar it has some actually good recipes only there is a large lack of photos, you pass 4, v, upwards to ten recipes sometimes earlier a photograph appears, and they're not always of the finished product! We all know what tomatoes and olives and breadstuff rolls look similar, sometimes the illustration was of muesli or lycopersicon esculentum soup, again even those from other planets are familiar with these foodstuffs. Endeavor as I might my physic powers didn't tell me what 'fresh yuba' or 'see nutrient cioppini' looked similar. If a cookery book can't illustrate every recipe it should prioritise the ones you might not be able to imagine what they might look like.

I tried the mayo recipe, it's good, this has to be returned to the library now, some recipes look interesting, if I saw this cheaply second mitt I would purchase it but it's not on my high priority of recipe books to buy, which is quite a long list.

I really don't like it when a recipe chops between measurements, sometimes you lot're measuring in cups, this is okay if everything is in cups and and so it's a ratio based recipe. Sometimes they swap between cups and ounces, I couldn't find any key that told me what a cup was so you can't be sure if you're using the correct quantities in a recipe that uses both.

Much as I similar to make so many things from scratch. I'm not fussed about making my own mustard or ketchup, these sort of items last so long I don't feel the need to make them. I've merely found an amazing vegan butter available from Tesco'southward that costs £one at the moment so I'1000 not going to attempt to brand vegan butter either but perchance I'll give it a go when I'k retired.

...more than
NOTE Allergic people: although this is a book with vegan recipes, it's likewise useful for those allergic to seafood, eggs, dairy, meats, and some are gluten-free.
That said, it's sometimes frustrating how sure recipes (similar, all the cheeses...) are not nut-gratis, nor are there alternative ways to make recipes without nuts.

Sometimes you might feel a need to make your own vegan staples, which can mean less packaging waste material, more healthy ingredients, and having stuff ready when the mood strikes. It ca

NOTE Allergic people: although this is a book with vegan recipes, it's as well useful for those allergic to seafood, eggs, dairy, meats, and some are gluten-costless.
That said, it's sometimes frustrating how certain recipes (similar, all the cheeses...) are non nut-free, nor are there alternative ways to make recipes without nuts.

Sometimes you might feel a need to make your own vegan staples, which tin can mean less packaging waste matter, more than salubrious ingredients, and having stuff ready when the mood strikes. It tin cheaper, and sometimes also quicker (non e'er, some recipes are a lot less quicker than others). Some of the recipes have photos. The writer is a vegan chef, cookbook author, co-host on a television receiver evidence, and owns a vegan cheese company.

The recipes are divided like this: condiments, dairy/egg-replacing stuff, stuff for soups, meat replacements, pasta stuff, baking stuff, dessert things. Some recipes have oil-free and/or saccharide-free versions. Each recipe comes with an introduction, and sometimes with variations and tips.

In that location's recipes, for case for: mayos, mustards, ketchup, flavor sauces (incl. worcestershire), pesto, dressings, jam, milk, cream, butter, yoghurt, cheese, stocks, tofu, tempeh, meat substitutions, fresh pasta, sauces, dry mixes, crackers, dough, and white chocolate. Some more than 'full meal' recipes are as well included, or at least they looked similar that. Nevertheless, this is clearly more smallish-staples kind of a book.

I did feel occasionally that the laziness in me would prefer to simply buy the stuff, merely I'm glad these recipes and this book exists. And with some recipes I actually would want to start making them. More variety and surprises than what I thought in that location would be. That's a bully thing.

...more than
April Barrett-Kelly
I became 100% vegan subsequently watching Cowspiracy and Forks over Knives — both major heart openers. Major concept: consuming a cow'southward chest milk is not something human being beings should be doing (because it is *not* natural!) only that idea is hard for a typical westerner to grasp. I know because I was 1 of them!

Ugh Cultural Conditioning.

I never thought I'd be able to forego cheese/creamer. At present the idea of putting annihilation animal related in my torso is revolting to say the least. I've completely chang

I became 100% vegan later on watching Cowspiracy and Forks over Knives — both major heart openers. Major concept: consuming a moo-cow's breast milk is not something human beings should be doing (because it is *non* natural!) merely that idea is difficult for a typical westerner to grasp. I know because I was ane of them!

Ugh Cultural Workout.

I never thought I'd be able to forego cheese/creamer. At present the thought of putting anything animal related in my body is revolting to say the least. I've completely changed my lifestyle by condign more conscious of what I put into my body and I feel fantastic.

This book is making the transition to being vegan much easier. The author does an incredible chore of presenting the material. This book is for anyone who wants to create basic western-type staples most of united states of america grew up with (bread, cheese, etc) —without the cruelty and guilt… and information technology tastes dandy!

Melissa Lindsey
I am a new vegetarian (i total week!) who is flirting with the idea of condign vegan, primarily considering the food seems so interesting. As I start on this journey, I am trying to review my relationship with food, with an emphasis on how it nourishes my body. I'm not looking to limit my nutrition by making my food "meatless", but rather promise to expand the foods that I eat. I exercise adopt to make most of my food and tend to avoid many processed foods. Aye, I take been known to make my own egg noodles, ch I am a new vegetarian (one full calendar week!) who is flirting with the idea of condign vegan, primarily because the nutrient seems so interesting. Equally I start on this journey, I am trying to review my relationship with food, with an emphasis on how it nourishes my body. I'm not looking to limit my diet by making my food "meatless", but rather hope to expand the foods that I consume. I do prefer to make about of my food and tend to avert many processed foods. Yeah, I take been known to make my ain egg noodles, cheese, and coffee creamer. Then a volume that provides inspiration and instruction in making brand vegan versions of these things is great thing!

This volume was on a list of highly anticipated vegan cookbooks for 2015 and I was fortunate to get an ARC from NetGalley. This cookbook lives upward to the hype -- at that place are recipes in here for all types of pantry staples -- from unproblematic dressings to homemade vegan cheeses to meat replacements. It is exactly what I was looking for to help me expand my nutrition. Overall, the cookbook uses ingredients I can find in my mid-sized city and has easy to follow stride-ty-pace instructions. As a bonus, there are beautiful photographs to serve as inspiration for the reader'south culinary journey.

This is one of those books that cooks will want a hard copy of. So even with my ARC, I will be purchasing my own hard cover re-create when it comes out. It is a swell reference tool that will exist in my kitchen for a long time.

This is probably the best cookbook I've ever bought. That is, it's the most useful and life-changing for me. I'm saving money, eating better, gaining skills and confidence in cooking... This is a must-have for vegans and vegetarians and would also be useful in any dwelling house kitchen, specially those who are frugal or desire to eat healthier.

Miyoko Schinner'southward writing manner and recipes are so easy to read and understand, they're nigh comforting and encouraging. I've looked at recipes for foods that I'd

This is probably the all-time cookbook I've ever bought. That is, information technology's the almost useful and life-changing for me. I'm saving money, eating better, gaining skills and confidence in cooking... This is a must-accept for vegans and vegetarians and would also be useful in any home kitchen, especially those who are frugal or want to swallow healthier.

Miyoko Schinner'southward writing style and recipes are then easy to read and sympathise, they're almost comforting and encouraging. I've looked at recipes for foods that I'd never, ever imagined that I could make and thought, "Yeah, I can do that!" The best.

UPDATE: I've been making my ain almond milk since my review, and anybody I've told always reacts like:

So they ask me if information technology'due south easy or hard, how it's done, etc... Seriously, this book is a game-changer.

...more than
Admittedly fantastic, a cook after my own heart, who loves making from scratch and keeps waste to a minimum. Even the lurid from homemade soy milk tin can be used to make "fish" cakes - genius! I like her writing as well, very friendly and funny without beingness effusive. I'd like to buy her a vegan beer sometime, I think we'd get on brilliantly.

With my husband recently going over to dairy gratis eating (in addition to our existing vegetarian lifestyle) I was dismayed at the thought of returning to, say, dairy-f

Absolutely fantastic, a cook afterwards my own heart, who loves making from scratch and keeps waste to a minimum. Even the pulp from homemade soy milk tin can be used to make "fish" cakes - genius! I similar her writing too, very friendly and funny without being effusive. I'd like to buy her a vegan beer old, I recall nosotros'd get on brilliantly.

With my husband recently going over to dairy free eating (in addition to our existing vegetarian lifestyle) I was dismayed at the thought of returning to, say, dairy-free spread and "fake" cheeses, as I loathe chemicals and candy food. This volume has a recipe for homemade vegan butter too equally many different vegan cheeses which all sound amazing, and if I can make it work, maybe I'll join him!

A great add-on to the vegetarian/vegan melt'southward library - in fact, I'd become so far as to say information technology's an essential.

Feb 07, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I almost fainted in ecstasy reading this book, admittedly giddy with the recipes. Vegan cookbooks continue to become ameliorate and ameliorate, and this 1 is no exception. Definitely a keeper!
Helen Caddes
This is the book you need to get started creating vegan staples. If I could choose only one book out of all of the books I purchased concluding year, this would be the book I would keep.

Miyoko'south recipes are simple, require mostly standard ingredients, and create some of the near fantastic vegan food I take eaten to date. In that location is a reason that Miyoko's recipes for vegan cheese come out and then good - she really sells her vegan cheese online. With this book you tin make your own ketchup, butter, unribs, u

This is the book you need to become started creating vegan staples. If I could choose merely 1 volume out of all of the books I purchased last year, this would be the book I would go on.

Miyoko'southward recipes are simple, require mostly standard ingredients, and create some of the most fantastic vegan food I take eaten to date. There is a reason that Miyoko's recipes for vegan cheese come up out and so good - she really sells her vegan cheese online. With this book yous can make your own ketchup, butter, unribs, unsteak, unchicken, vegan fish sauce, and teriyaki sauce! You can make vegan mozzarella that bakes, browns, and crisps upwardly on a pizza. You can make vegan ice cream and vegan yogurt. You tin can make a whorl of vegan chocolate chip cookie batter you tin cut off pieces of and utilize as needed.

There are specialty ingredients that certain recipes require and I would brand certain to buy the recommended ingredients and not try to substitute other ingredients that may seem similar. For example, the liquid soy lecithin is essential to the Glorious Butterless Butter recipe. When tapioca is mentioned for the cheese recipes, yous will need to use tapioca flour. I contacted Miyoko through her website and she was very helpful in clarifying what specific items were required and where to buy them. She is incredibly kind and responsive.

When yous are culturing your vegan cheese, I found information technology worked better when I waited the full two days for the cheese's ingredients to culture. If you want to start with a recipe that is a surefire hit, I would highly propose the Unsteak recipe.

While you are using this volume, you will notice that a number of recipes incorporate multiple variations. The cashew cream recipe page lonely has additional recipes for bechamel, alfredo, and mushroom sauce. The Glorious Butterless Butter recipe has four variations you tin try after trying the main recipe. I love how comprehensive this book is. After the recipe for flax seed egg whites, Miyoko includes recipes for flax seed omelets, frittata, and quiche. Y'all can make ice cream or gelato or sorbet, bootleg jam, mustard, and mayonnaise, bread, crackers and cakes - the list of dissimilar recipes this book incorporates tin really stock your unabridged vegan pantry. There is even a recipe for cinnamon rolls. I made the ketchup recipe in about five minutes with ingredients I already had in my fridge and pantry. Information technology was worlds better than the corn syrup based ketchup you lot can typically find at the shop.

If you are a fan of seafood but are vegan and haven't found skillful recipes that comprise the flavors you have been missing, Miyoko has a whole section of this book dedicated to vegan seafood. You can make vegan fish, crab cakes, chowder - even vegan fish sauce! The vegan fish sauce has to exist my favorite improver to Thai dishes. It brings dorsum all of the subtleties of flavour I missed in the dishes I used to love before I was vegan. It's so good that I will probably employ it the next time I gild Thai food takeout - there is goose egg like having the essential flavors and nuances of Thai food on my palate over again.

This volume is absolutely the most comprehensive and detailed recipe guide I have found to vegan cooking. Miyoko knows vegan cooking and everything I have fabricated using this book has been absolutely delectable. Information technology would be the first volume I would recommend to a friend who was newly vegan.

Jul 02, 2016 rated it it was amazing
This would have been worth it for the soup section solitary ... the "Truly free-range chicken(less) stock," the "got no beef broth," the "rich see-food stock" all create the basis for absolutely outstanding soups. The sea-nutrient cioppino is a revelation. (I don't know how authentic it is, I never liked ocean nutrient, and then ....)
And the soup concentrates are very handy too!

And and then in that location are the condiments - I am going to unmarried out the vegan fish sauce - if yous swallow a lot of Thai nutrient, you know how hard

This would accept been worth it for the soup department alone ... the "Truly gratis-range craven(less) stock," the "got no beef broth," the "rich come across-food stock" all create the basis for admittedly outstanding soups. The sea-food cioppino is a revelation. (I don't know how authentic information technology is, I never liked sea food, and so ....)
And the soup concentrates are very handy likewise!

And and so in that location are the condiments - I am going to single out the vegan fish sauce - if you lot eat a lot of Thai food, you know how difficult it is to go a vegan dish, because oyster sauce and fish sauce are ubiquitous. You tin can get good vegetarian oyster sauce in the Asian shop (or go far yourself, without additives, from this volume), only to find vegan fish sauce is harder. I used to substitute soy sauce and the dishes still tasted great, only in that location's no denying that thanks to Miyoko Schinner, my Thai nutrient tastes more than authentic.

The condensed not-dairy milk is besides great and delicious in many Asian desserts.

Her white chocolate contains lecitihin, which is difficult to go, but the resulting chocolate tastes better than any commercial vegan white chocolate I tried so far (disclaimer: I am in Switzerland).

One of the bests cookbooks.

Jun 05, 2016 rated it information technology was astonishing
I bought this book considering I live in a remote area that doesn't have access to many vegan items like vegan butter and yogurt. I was not disappointed. I honey her icecream recipes, her basic biscuit mix, butter and the yogurt is the best I've tried. I give her applause for her well crafted instant macaroni recipe. I use it all the fourth dimension for a quick sauce for casseroles when I don't feel similar soaking cashews. I would recommend this to anyone who loves to brand things from scratch. I bought this book because I live in a remote surface area that doesn't have access to many vegan items similar vegan butter and yogurt. I was not disappointed. I love her icecream recipes, her basic biscuit mix, butter and the yogurt is the all-time I've tried. I give her applause for her well crafted instant macaroni recipe. I use it all the time for a quick sauce for casseroles when I don't feel similar soaking cashews. I would recommend this to anyone who loves to make things from scratch. ...more than
Megan Orr
Jul x, 2016 rated it information technology was amazing
my beloved grandmother was a polish immigrant from the onetime country, and i spent my babyhood sitting in her kitchen watching her make her ain everything. how rewarding to now be able to make my own kitchen staples--with animal-friendly and healthy ingredients. it makes me experience equally if i am honoring her and tradition when always i make a recipe from this book. fake meats and cheeses--and the vegan capitalist companies that produce them--be damned. this book hearkens to a distant past, where all food was my dear grandmother was a polish immigrant from the quondam country, and i spent my childhood sitting in her kitchen watching her make her own everything. how rewarding to at present be able to make my ain kitchen staples--with animate being-friendly and healthy ingredients. it makes me feel as if i am honoring her and tradition when ever i make a recipe from this book. fake meats and cheeses--and the vegan capitalist companies that produce them--be damned. this book hearkens to a distant past, where all nutrient was sacred and made in the home with honey. this is my personal perfect cookbook, and i dont hesitate to approximate that anyone would discover it special. ...more
Nicholas Aune
Schinner gives the recipes to stock whatever mod vegan's pantry with homemade staples, condiments, soups, pastas, sauces, and baked goods. The catch: recipes are hit or miss, very expensive, and often can be establish for free online at vegan blogs WITHOUT having to buy this book. Neat for reference if you lot need a quick ready when you can't detect something in stock in the "diverse special diet stuff" department of the grocery shop, simply no reference that a quick google search tin't fix. Schinner gives the recipes to stock any modern vegan's pantry with homemade staples, condiments, soups, pastas, sauces, and baked goods. The catch: recipes are striking or miss, very expensive, and often tin be found for costless online at vegan blogs WITHOUT having to buy this book. Great for reference if you need a quick fix when y'all can't find something in stock in the "various special diet stuff" section of the grocery store, only no reference that a quick google search can't gear up. ...more
Apr 29, 2019 rated information technology really liked it
This is an attractive book with a smashing set of clear, not hard to make recipes for vegan nuts. If you want to try to brand your own soymilk, or vegan cheese, or vegan approximations of meat, then this is a not bad place to start. It is nicely laid out and well illustrated too. Not every recipe in here is a must have (like the breads for example) but anyone who wants to practise some vegan cooking will be interested.
Jul 01, 2015 rated it it was astonishing
I loved, loved this book! Being a vegetarian and loving to make everything homemade, it was correct upwardly my aisle. I plan on trying the veggie burger recipe, ketchup and mayonnaise recipe ASAP. I also loved her Artisan Cheese cookbook and made several vegan cheeses with much success. If you lot like to cook vegan from scratch and get away from processed food, then I highly recommend it.
Otto Testla
Apr 12, 2018 rated it really liked information technology
A guide to creating vegan versions of staple ingredients to stock the fridge and pantry--from dairy and meat substitutes such as vegan yogurt, butter, mayo, bacon, and cheese, to mustards, dressings, pancake mix, crackers, pasta sauces, cookies, and more.
Sep 01, 2017 rated it information technology was amazing
Another excellent resource for vegetarians/vegans! I don't ain a lot of cookbooks anymore, but this one makes the cut! Some other excellent resource for vegetarians/vegans! I don't own a lot of cookbooks anymore, but this one makes the cutting! ...more
Aja Marsh
Oct 20, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This book is pretty rad. I oasis't fabricated anything from information technology yet, merely was taking it for a spin from the library to see if it's worth purchasing. I think it might be...! This book is pretty rad. I oasis't made anything from it however, merely was taking information technology for a spin from the library to run into if information technology's worth purchasing. I think information technology might be...! ...more than
Julie Tuttle
Dec 19, 2018 rated information technology really liked it
Wonderful cookbook to fill your pantry with homemade vegan staples! Wonderful pictures, tips, and salvage money too past making your own healthier pantry staples at habitation. Loves this book.
Apr 09, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Neat melt book of all the staples! Would definitely have this in my kitchen if I had one, lol. I mean, Miyoko is the Vegan Culinary Queen!
Fantastic quick mouthwatering vegan recipes, tin't expect to try them myself this weekend! Fantastic quick mouthwatering vegan recipes, can't await to endeavour them myself this weekend! ...more
October 31, 2019 rated information technology really liked information technology
Got some swell recipes in here, such equally the oyster sauce and teriyaki sauce. They aren't soy based then I can finally make my own. There'due south a good range of recipes in this book.

The bread recipes are and then easy to make and delicious. So worth it to bake fresh staff of life. No kneading required

iv/5 stars

Got some not bad recipes in hither, such equally the oyster sauce and teriyaki sauce. They aren't soy based so I can finally make my own. At that place's a skillful range of recipes in this book.

The bread recipes are so easy to make and delicious. And so worth it to bake fresh bread. No kneading required

4/5 stars

...more than
Jan 09, 2016 rated it actually liked it
This is a pretty crawly resource for those wishing to go vegan while sticking to traditional flavours and dishes. There'due south a bunch of stuff I'm dying to try out, my simply complaint is that almost all the recipes that have caught my eye either crave ingredients that I don't have, have never heard of or ones I will have to make an endeavour to buy (as in not available at my local supermarket).
Nonetheless, it's a cute volume that I'll be going back to and experimenting.
Forgot to add that this is not a
This is a pretty awesome resource for those wishing to go vegan while sticking to traditional flavours and dishes. In that location's a bunch of stuff I'm dying to try out, my merely complaint is that near all the recipes that have defenseless my middle either require ingredients that I don't have, have never heard of or ones I will have to make an effort to buy (as in not available at my local supermarket).
Nevertheless, information technology's a beautiful volume that I'll be going back to and experimenting.
Forgot to add that this is non a volume for those trying to lose weight. The recipes include nuts (especially cashews), organic carbohydrate (which is still saccharide), oils etc.
Um, this book is amazing. It's basically how to brand super easy vegan versions of pretty much any condiment, soup base, yogurt/sour cream/nut milk, pasta sauce, bread, frosting, pancake mix, meat substitute, or salad dressing you could possibly want. It even tells you lot how to make your own tofu, and she talks about fresh-fabricated tofu in such a fashion that I am actually kind of dying to try information technology (I know, whaaaat???)! She as well writes with a sense of sense of humour and a total lack of smugness that I notice super refr Um, this book is astonishing. Information technology's basically how to brand super easy vegan versions of pretty much whatever condiment, soup base of operations, yogurt/sour cream/nut milk, pasta sauce, bread, frosting, pancake mix, meat substitute, or salad dressing y'all could possibly want. It even tells y'all how to brand your own tofu, and she talks nigh fresh-fabricated tofu in such a way that I am really kind of dying to endeavour it (I know, whaaaat???)! She likewise writes with a sense of sense of humour and a total lack of smugness that I find super refreshing. And a lot of these recipes literally take nigh 10 minutes to make. Basically I am at present officially obsessed with Miyoko Schinner! ...more
Oct xx, 2017 rated information technology it was amazing
I read it cover to cover when I finally got this precious book from the library (after a 2 month wait). With simply three weeks to test so many proficient recipes, I've had such fun making dijon mustard, artisan crackers, cashew/soy milks and creams, melty cheeses, overnight breads, and rustic pasta. I fifty-fifty made a quiche with the flaxseed eggs (delicious of form).

What I love well-nigh Miyoko is that she inspires me to be in my kitchen making delicious nutrient from scratch instead of stuffing junk nutrient wit

I read information technology cover to cover when I finally got this precious book from the library (later a two month look). With only three weeks to test so many good recipes, I've had such fun making dijon mustard, artisan crackers, cashew/soy milks and creams, melty cheeses, overnight breads, and rustic pasta. I even made a quiche with the flaxseed eggs (delicious of grade).

What I love virtually Miyoko is that she inspires me to be in my kitchen making succulent food from scratch instead of stuffing junk food with weird ingredients in my mouth. She'due south 1 of the good ones, friends.

Merry Love
Sep xxx, 2017 rated it information technology was astonishing
Wow. This book is and so slap-up for making your ain not-dairy, non-meat, and/or non-egg staples.

I've used recipes for butter, mayo, ketchup, ice cream, and condensed milk and so far. It as well goes into how to make lots of different fake vegan "meats".

It is groovy for someone looking to make their own alternatives because they can't find vegan versions in stores or want to take control over the ingredients and omit preservatives.

Wow. This volume is so not bad for making your own non-dairy, non-meat, and/or not-egg staples.

I've used recipes for butter, mayo, ketchup, water ice cream, and condensed milk so far. It likewise goes into how to make lots of different fake vegan "meats".

It is dandy for someone looking to brand their own alternatives because they can't find vegan versions in stores or want to take command over the ingredients and omit preservatives.

Sep 30, 2016 rated information technology it was amazing
The recipes wait easy enough with a few specialty ingredients I'd have to pick upward on a trip to the health nutrient store or from Amazon. The ranch blazon dressing is pretty good. It's a footling more than tart than I'd like, merely I did have to use a coarsely ground mustard instead of dijon which will make it a bit more bitter. I'm excited to try making my own vegan cheese though! The recipes look easy enough with a few specialty ingredients I'd have to selection upward on a trip to the health food store or from Amazon. The ranch type dressing is pretty expert. Information technology's a fiddling more tart than I'd similar, simply I did have to utilize a coarsely ground mustard instead of dijon which will make it a bit more bitter. I'm excited to attempt making my own vegan cheese though! ...more
February 02, 2018 rated it it was amazing
A bully book with vegan basics. Aside from usable, piece of cake recipes this volume looks stunning. You practise need some tools for these recipes, simply if y'all're into vegan cooking you're likely to have them already. A great book with vegan basics. Aside from usable, easy recipes this volume looks stunning. You do need some tools for these recipes, but if you're into vegan cooking yous're likely to have them already. ...more than
Silvia Quesada
I literally read this book in one day. I constitute myself drooling all over the recipes while making the shopping list of all the things I need to prepare those. My favorite vegan recipe book so far.

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